Best Cryptocurrencies 2022

3 min readJul 16, 2022
Credit by unplash

Best Cryptocurrencies 2022 and below are trading at $2.90 in the crypto-currency market right now
, while Litecoin is down 1.8% for a fresh five day low of around $3 USD, according to Meanwhile Bitcoin has also seen its price fall after rising slightly earlier today but still not much by itself as it gained more ground on Ripple’s surging exchange rate against bitcoin over last week — meaning that neither one is quite worth buying or selling yet either:Accordingly I will be keeping my eyes peeled throughout Tuesday morning if both cryptocurrencies can break above their current levels during this huge shift towards altcoins such Ethereum having just broke

1. Bitcoin
Bitcoin (BTC) was the first cryptocurrency and still remains the largest today. Created in 2009 by pseudonymous developer Satoshi Nakamoto, it uses blockchain technology to facilitate peer-to-peer transactions. Bitcoins can be acquired online through crypto exchanges, and then exchanged for traditional currencies. As of January 2018, over $60 billion USD worth of bitcoins have been mined, with each bitcoin currently being valued around $10,000 USD.
2. Ethereum
Ethereum’s history dates back to 2015, when Vitalik Buterin created Ethereum. It aims to be a decentralized platform with smart contracts; any user can access these contracts and build applications using its programming language Solidity. The developers behind Ethereum believe their creation will make the internet a “decentralized computing environment” where money can move freely across borders and governments cannot control monetary policy.
3. Ripple
Ripple (XRP) is another cryptocurrency that uses distributed ledger technology, but it focuses on global payments. Ripple claims that its system is faster and cheaper than credit card networks in cross border transfers, and it enables instant transfers between banks. Ripple works similarly to BitTorrent, where users share the cost of sending money. XRP investors may receive returns in the form of transaction fees or interest paid on deposited currency.
4. Litecoin
Created by Charlie Lee, Litecoin is a third generation cryptocurrency designed to improve upon some of Bitcoin’s limitations. For example, while Bitcoin and Ethereum focus on processing speed and scalability, Litecoin makes use of specific hashing algorithms that allow for blocks to be added faster and with less power consumption. Also unlike Bitcoin, Litecoin offers a variety of features including SegWit and ASIC-resistance.
5. Dash
Dash was founded in 2014 by Evan Duffield, who wanted to create digital cash that could be used on any website or application. Like many cryptocurrencies, Dash offers instantaneous transactions, micropayments, and security through decentralization. In October 2016, Dash announced InstantSend, which allows merchants to settle payments instantly without adding additional confirmation steps.
6. Cardano
Cardano wants to become the world’s second largest technology after Google in terms of market cap. To achieve this goal, they are building a network that is scalable and adaptable. Cardano believes this will lead them to success because it allows for maximum efficiency of operations.
7. Stellar
Stellar was developed by OpenCoin in 2012 to address issues with Bitcoin’s design. One problem is that Bitcoin is not good at scaling due to its proof of work protocol. Proof of stake protocols were created to scale, but they require too much coordination. Stellar takes advantage of the fact that we already have real estate records, stock markets, and legal tender systems, but it does so with a consensus mechanism called federated Byzantine agreement. These agreements let anyone participate in financial activities no matter how big or small, and they do so in a way that is trustless.
Figure out how this individual make $10,000 in seven days through crypto

